Mariana Islands Training and Testing (“MITT”)

On September 09, 2011, the U.S. Navy announced its intent to issue a Mariana Islands Training and Testing Environmental Impact Statement, and on September 13, 2013, the Draft of the EIS was published. The MITT proposal sought to increase the types and tempo of training activities within the MIRC. The Final EIS for MITT, was produced on May 22, 2015, with the signing of the Record of Decision on July 23, 2015.

A Draft Supplemental EIS was issued for the MITT project on April 17, 2019, further increasing the types and frequency of training activities in the range. The Final EIS was issued on June 05, 2020, and in August 2020 the Record of Decision for the SEIS was signed.

The MITT operates within and beyond the Mariana Islands Range Complex, spanning a study area of 984,601 square nautical miles.


Mariana Islands Range Complex (“MIRC”)


Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands Joint Military Training (“CJMT”)